In early autumn 2014 I bought a can of black and white 35mm film from a Scottish man called Dave.
The film can featured the double headed egle of german history. sold as unopened but expired. expiry date was clearly visable and read November 1946.
I rolled and shot some pictures straight away to test it out... using some old chemicals i chose to develop the film for fourteen mints,
after processing the film in my sink i opened the developing tank...
Not only did i find images but the negative was clear and had a really special quality to it. that night i thought about printing some of the photo's but then I thought wait....
This stuff was meant to expire in 1946. it can wait another month until November. sixty eight years later it still hadn't expired.
that's proof to me that film photography is time travel.
to honer this discovery i thought i would create an image from the past in the present using only techniques available in past photo printing.
In the dark room I created analogue photographs of a dinosaur in the lake district. In the dark room i found the real Photoshop. no computers, just light and time.
Through experiance with photo film I judged this film as slooooooow. probably also the reason that the film has lasted so well.
Seemingly barely affected by radiation through time its amazing to me that this film didnt infact expire in 1946.